Tagged with 'allergy'

Exercising Outdoors When Air Pollution is High: Pros and Cons

Exercise is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, but the decision to engage in outdoor physical activities when air pollution levels are elevated can be a complex one.
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a crucial factor in making this decision, as different AQI levels warrant different recommendations. When it comes to exercising outdoors,
the importance of clean air cannot be overstated, as the act of exercising involves deeper and more frequent breaths.

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Posted in Polusi udara, Air purifier, Air monitor and Alergi

Beyond AQI : Toxic Gases Lurking in Your Home

In the wake of recent elevated pollution levels in Jakarta, residents and Indonesians at large are increasingly encountering the term "Air Quality Index or AQI" in the news.
However beyond AQI, it's crucial for Jakartans to understand that the toxic gases present indoors within their homes differ significantly from the outdoor gases factored into the AQI calculation.

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Posted in Polusi udara, Air purifier and Alergi

Cleaning the Air While Reducing Energy Consumption: Energy Star Certified Air Purifiers

Air pollution in Jakarta has reached alarming levels, earning the city the unfortunate title of the most polluted city in the world on some days.
One of the main contributors to this problem is the presence of coal-powered energy generators surrounding the city.
As Jakarta and Indonesia as a country, continue to experience rapid groeth and development, the demand for energy is projected to rise.

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Posted in Polusi udara, Air purifier and Alergi

Musim Hujan Sudah Tiba, Sudahkah Rumah Anda Bebas Jamur?

bebas jamur

Tak terasa bahwa musim hujan sudah tiba. Setelah melalui kemarau yang cukup panjang, hujan yang turun rasanya memberi kesegaran tersendiri. Namun, dengan hujan yang kian sering, tembok rumah basah dan lembab mulai menjadi pemandangan yang kerap kali terjadi. Pada saat inilah jamur berkembang biak dengan pesat, dan berpotensi memicu berbagai masalah pada estetika rumah, barang koleksi, aksesori fesyen dan terutamanya kesehatan Anda.

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Posted in Kelembaban udara

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