
Mikroplastik di Udara: Ancaman yang Tidak Disangka

Mikroplastik adalah potongan plastik kecil, lebih kecil dari 0,2 inci, yang ditemukan di mana-mana, bahkan di udara sekitar kita.
Satu penelitian menemukan bahwa kita mungkin menghirup sekitar 16,2 partikel mikroplastik per jam, setara dengan menelan nilai kartu kredit setiap minggunya!.
Hal ini berbahaya dan dapat berdampak serius pada kesehatan kita, memicu peradangan, stres pada tubuh kita, dan bahkan penyakit pernapasan seperti asma.

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Posted in Polusi udara and Air purifier

Kualitas Udara Kantor Mengurangi Produktivitas Anda? Penelitian dari Harvard Mengatakan Iya

Dampak faktor lingkungan terhadap produktivitas bukanlah konsep baru, namun sering diabaikan dalam desain dan pengelolaan ruang kantor.
Penelitian terbaru dari Program Bangunan Sehat Harvard menyoroti hubungan kritis antara kualitas udara dalam ruangan dan produktivitas.
Studi menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas udara dan pengurangan paparan bahan kimia dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kinerja kognitif yang signifikan di antara pekerja..

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Posted in Polusi udara and Air purifier

Creating the Perfect Atmosphere: The Art and Science of Aroma Diffuser

In today's fast-paced world, the importance of cultivating a serene and calming atmosphere at home cannot be overstated.
Aroma diffusers have emerged as a popular choice for achieving this, not only freshening the air but also enhancing the overall ambiance of a space.
Let's delve into the art and science behind aroma diffusers, exploring their benefits and highlighting their status as the healthiest, safest and most efficient option among popular room fragrances.

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Posted in Aroma diffuser and Kelembaban udara

Beauty and the Beast Within: The Lurking Dangers of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products

In the relentless pursuit of beauty and self-care, the often-overlooked dangers lurking within cosmetics and personal care products have thrust themselves into the spotlight.
A New York Times article from February 15, 2023, highlighted the pervasive use of chemicals like phthalates, parabens, and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives in personal care products.
The ban on cosmetic chemicals in California is just one part of a larger conversation. It is vital to recognize that these concerns extend beyond borders, affecting consumers worldwide especially those living in countries with more relaxed health and safety regulations.

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Posted in Air purifier and Alergi

Navigating the Hazards: The Perilous Dilemma of Drinking Water in Indonesia

In the island nation of Indonesia, where crystal-clear waters abound, the irony is stark – the quest for safe drinking water has become a daunting challenge.
The age-old practice of boiling tap water, often seen as a remedy for potential contaminants, is now under scrutiny due to the perilous presence of toxic metals like lead leaching from aging distribution pipes.
On the flip side, the seemingly safer alternative, bottled water, comes with its own set of alarming revelations as studies unveil the hidden dangers lurking within.

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Posted in Water purifier and Reverse osmosis

Lowering The Stress Level in One of the World’s Most Stressful Cities, Jakarta

Jakarta, a bustling metropolis with over 11 million residents, consistently ranks among the most stressful cities globally, according to studies.
In a 2017 global study commissioned by British firm Zipjet, Jakarta secured the 19th spot out of 150 major cities, scoring 7.84 out of 10.
levels, particularly during traffic congestion, breathing clean indoor air, including in vehicles, can significantly reduce exposure to pollutants and lower stress levels.

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Posted in Polusi udara and Air purifier

Breathe Easy: The Ultimate New Year's Resolution You Won't Abandon

the dawn of a new year, the season of fresh starts, unrealistic expectations, and the inevitable collapse of those well-intentioned resolutions.
New Year's resolutions are as common as awkward office holiday parties, with a whopping 38.5% of us* setting them each year.
The most popular goals involve improved fitness, finances, mental health, and the ever-elusive weight loss.

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Posted in Air purifier

Polusi Udara dan Dampaknya pada Hasil Akademis Anak-anak: Sebuah Kajian Yale Terbaru

Baru-baru ini, sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) menyoroti hubungan antara polusi udara dan hasil tes anak sekolah. Studi ini mengungkapkan temuan yang signifikan tentang bagaimana kualitas udara memengaruhi kinerja akademis anak sekolah kelas 3 sampai dengan 8 dalam bidang matematika dan membaca.

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Posted in Polusi udara, Air purifier and Air monitor

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