Air monitor

Polusi Udara dan Dampaknya pada Hasil Akademis Anak-anak: Sebuah Kajian Yale Terbaru

Baru-baru ini, sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) menyoroti hubungan antara polusi udara dan hasil tes anak sekolah. Studi ini mengungkapkan temuan yang signifikan tentang bagaimana kualitas udara memengaruhi kinerja akademis anak sekolah kelas 3 sampai dengan 8 dalam bidang matematika dan membaca.

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Posted in Polusi udara, Air purifier and Air monitor

Exercising Outdoors When Air Pollution is High: Pros and Cons

Exercise is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, but the decision to engage in outdoor physical activities when air pollution levels are elevated can be a complex one.
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a crucial factor in making this decision, as different AQI levels warrant different recommendations. When it comes to exercising outdoors,
the importance of clean air cannot be overstated, as the act of exercising involves deeper and more frequent breaths.

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Posted in Polusi udara, Air purifier, Air monitor and Alergi

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